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pet emergency
Emergency Care

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Veterinary Emergency Triage and What to Expect

Veterinary Emergency Triage and What to Expect

If You Think It’s an Emergency, Please Come In If you think that your pet is experiencing a veterinary medical emergency, please bring them to our 24 hour vet hospital. Certain injuries, including if your pet has been bitten by another dog or wild animal, or they were...

Summer Hikes with Dogs: Tips to Prepare and Respond to Emergencies

Summer Hikes with Dogs: Tips to Prepare and Respond to Emergencies

Go for a Hike with your Dog “Go for a hike?” It’s a question many of us in Colorado ask our dogs to get the excitement started. Even if it’s just your tone of voice, your dog will likely pick up on the impending fun. Pack up the car for a day or a weekend of hiking to...

Cat Limping? Possible Causes and What to Do

Cat Limping? Possible Causes and What to Do

Cat Limping May Indicate a Veterinary Emergency If you notice your cat limping, it could be an injury or other medical condition impacting a muscle, joint, bone, paw, or other tissue. Cat limping can result from trauma like jumping, falling from a high surface, or...

When to Seek Help for Your Pet from an Emergency Vet

When to Seek Help for Your Pet from an Emergency Vet

Veterinary Specialists of the Rockies emergency veterinarians know that providing 24/7 vet care can save a pet’s life when moments count. For pet owners, it can be tough to know when a pet health issue requires an emergency vet visit, and it is more difficult to tell...

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