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pet emergency
Emergency Care

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Revised COVID-19 protocols based on CDC guidelines

Revised COVID-19 protocols based on CDC guidelines

Veterinary Specialists of the Rockies has revised COVID-19 protocols based on CDC guidelines and recommendations from local health officials. As a state-of-the-art medical facility, safety and sanitation have always been a top priority. Since 2020, we have also made...

Emergency Vet Care: How Do You Know When It’s Needed?

Emergency Vet Care: How Do You Know When It’s Needed?

In a true pet medical emergency, moments count. However, for pet owners, it can be tough to know when a pet health issue requires an emergency vet visit. Veterinary Specialists of the Rockies emergency veterinarians know that providing always-open, 24/7 vet care can...

Could my dog coughing be a sign of something serious?

Could my dog coughing be a sign of something serious?

There are many reasons for dog coughing, and an occasional cough is just part of a dog’s life. Environmental factors or pathogens (such as in recent cases of respiratory illness in Colorado and other states) can cause dog coughing. However, dog coughing can also be a...

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