Employee Use to Create Surgery Consent Form Choose Consent Type Abdominal Explore Achilles Tenorrhaphy Anal Sacculectomy BAS Surgery Bone Biopsy CCL & Patella Stabilization Cesarean section Closed Reduction CT scan and +- Contrast Cystotomy & Scrotal Urethrostomy Cystotomy Deranged Stifle Digit Amputation Enucleation Extracap & Patella Stabilization Extracapsular Lateral Suture FHO Fracture Gallbladder Mucocele Gastropexy Hiatal Herniorraphy Implant Removal Ligament Repair or Prosthetic Ligament Limb Amputation Liver Biopsies Liver Lobectomy Mammary Mass Excision Orchiectomy Ovariohysterectomy Pantarsal Arthrodesis Patella Stabilization PPDH PSS PU and possible cystotomy SDF Luxation Sedated Work-up Sialoadenectomy Skin Mass Excision Splenectomy TPLO or TTA & Patella Stabilization TPLO or TTA Urethral Prolapse & Castration Wound Closure Location of ProcedurePlease include all descriptive terms (front, back, left, right, bilateral, medial,lateral, etc.) Δ